
21 September, 2009

Reaper wizard & dragon

I'm painting some miniatures for the excellent game Dungeon Quest!

I haven't painted much fantasy previously, but here are the first minis; a wizard and a dragon from Reaper Miniatures. The dragon eggs are from Mega Miniatures.

For you scale fanatics, I can say that the wizard is more like 32mm than 28mm. This actually bothers me a lot, but all but one of the minis I'll use for this game is in this scale, so... *shrug*

13 September, 2009

I'm a winner!

The other day I was checking out Dawn of the Lead. It just so happens that the owner (Mikko) just got some of his own zombie sculpts "published". To top things off he's giving away some of those minis, and I'm one of the lucky winners. Thanks! I'm looking forward to painting it. =)

I've also decided to participate in Jawaballs Blood Angels painting competition. I'll participate with a Space Hulk terminator. I was going to paint my Space hulk miniatures anyway. The contest will just be a fun bonus.

06 September, 2009

EM-4 NBC suits

Here are som really cool soldiers in NBC suits from EM-4. I'm very pleased with the finished results. They will make excellent additions to any zombie game.

01 September, 2009

Reaper mermaid

Here is a nice mermaid miniature from Reaper. I'm not actually planning on using it in any game. I just fell in love with the sculpt and wanted to paint it. =)